Often when we feel “timid” or afraid that may be us trying to do things in our own power. When we rely on the power of God within us it gives us the courage to press on in the face of fear. John Wayne said, “Courage is being scared to death… and saddling up anyway.”
Courage is not an absence of fear. It is facing the fear and moving forward. As I wrote about recently, the best way to overcome fear is to take action. If you wait until all the fear is gone you may never do anything.
Often times our fear is not even reality. Zig Ziglar defines fear this way, “False Evidence Appearing Real.” The fear we are facing may seem very real at the moment, but typically it is not. It is just us wanting to subconsciously (or maybe even consciously) stay in our comfort zone.
This is what I have discovered about comfort zones…they follow you. If you step out of your comfort zone eventually your comfort zone will follow you and what was once uncomfortable will become comfortable. At that point, it will be time to step out of your comfort zone again.
If you are truly serious about climbing to your God-given potential, then you will have to rely on your God-given “spirit of power, love, and self-discipline.” Face your fears head on. Step out of your comfort zone and live this God-given life to the fullest!
What is the next step you will take?
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Tommy Lanham is a dynamic, award-winning speaker who has been training individuals and organizations to reach their God-given potential for 25 years. With a unique blend of Ziglar motivation and ragamuffin faith, Tommy delivers powerful, life changing messages filled with humor, hope, and enthusiasm.
Tommy will empower, entertain and energize audiences to achieve extraordinary results and live a life beyond what they ever dreamed possible.
Tommy is dedicated to helping you make your next event the best you’ll ever experience. Your audience will laugh, learn and be inspired as he mixes enthusiasm and humor with motivational stories to deliver a high content message.