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"I Sure Do Miss The Drugs Though" - Surviving Internal Struggles

Johnny Cash was having a meal with Bono (the lead singer for U2) and they both bowed their heads to pray. Johnny Cash prayed and thanked God for the food, friendships, forgiveness, and salvation. After the prayer Johnny Cash raised his head and said to Bono, “I sure do miss the drugs, though.”
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4 Reasons You REALLY Should Laugh More

4 Reasons You Should Laugh More Here are some announcements found in actual church bulletins: “Tonight’s Sermon: WHAT IS HELL? Come early and listen to our choir practice.” “CHURCH RUMMAGE SALE. A good opportunity to get rid…

It Starts With Enthusiasm

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale described enthusiasm this way, “Enthusiasm—the priceless quality that makes everything different.” In other words, enthusiasm is the difference maker! We often underestimate the power of enthusiasm. Ralph Waldo…
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Enthusiasm Ingredient #3: Know-How

A year or two after I bought a PT Cruiser, the battery died. Although I am not mechanically inclined when it comes to cars (I had a mechanical bypass when I was very young) I had changed a few batteries in my time. Not a big deal, right? Well… I…
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Enthusiasm Ingredient #2 - Passion

In a recent blog we looked at ENTHUSIASM Ingredient # 1: Energy. Now for the ENTHUSIASM Ingredient # 2: Passion! Passion is that thing that keeps you up at night and wakes you up in the morning. It is a drive we have throughout our day,…
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Pour Some Enthusiasm Into Your Marriage

As my wife and I are preparing for our marriage retreat this weekend my heart and mind are focused on marriages. My mission is “to break the monotony of the mundane and the mediocre by bringing as much ENTHUSIASM to as many businesses, ministries,…

What To Do With Obstacles

One of the important aspects of achieving our goals is often overlooked. That aspect is.... the obstacles in our way. What role do obstacles play in our journey to achieve our goals? Obstacles, when looked at correctly, can often help us…

Using The Power of Focused Attention to Create Genius

In my last blog, we looked at writing out your “Dream List” or what some people call their “Be, Do, Have List.” If you have not read that blog you can go to it here. Now, it is time to choose one focus goal from your “Be, Do, Have”…