Napoleon Bonaparte once pointed to China on a map and said, “There, is a sleeping giant. Let him sleep! If he awakes, he will shake the world.”

I believe this to be true about many individuals. Sometimes we can be sleeping giants and if we awake, we will shake the world.

The mundanians (those people, thoughts, and situations that try to stop us from living a life full of enthusiasm) will do all they can to make sure we stay asleep. Many people will give in to this perpetual gnawing from the mundanians to live a mundane and mediocre life. However, not the Community of Fellow ENTHUSIASTS!

We have chosen to awaken and shake the world. We have chosen to live with enthusiasm… that God inspired fire ignited deep within our soul that drives us to never settle, live with passion, and turn the world upside down. We have chosen to live with vision!

Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (KJV). The lack of vision actually drains the enthusiasm right out of us. What does God want to do through you? That is your vision.

Vision is a picture of the future that creates passion within you. It gives you direction in your life.  A God-given vision is God’s call on your life. Helen Keller was once asked if there was anything worse than being blind. She responded, “Yes, being able to see and having no vision.” Vision is more than just seeing, it is seeing into the future.

Helen Keller’s comment goes hand in hand with Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (KJV). Without vision, life becomes deadening. Without vision, we live our life in a rut. According to Earl Nightingale “A rut is a grave with the ends kicked out.”

Discover and embrace your God-given vision. What is God calling you to do? Take some time to pray, read your Bible, and reflect on what God is wanting you to do with your life.

Those are the beginning steps toward living your vision, awakening to shake the world, discovering that God-inspired fire ignited deep within your soul that drives you to never settle, live with passion, and turn the world upside down.

This is the life of a fellow ENTHUSIAST!