Enthusiasm - Set Yourself on Fire!
I have a passion for words. I love to study the background of words. I guess you could call me a word geek.
I also realize the power in words.
Are You Too Good to be Great?
What happened? Have you allowed your successes to ruin you? After experiencing a little success you began to settle.
You lost your edge....
An Open Letter to the Church
I love the church and I have been disgusted with the church. The church has been my biggest source of comfort and my biggest source of pain.
A Tribute to Mom
When I was asked to leave college because of my poor grades, it was the encouragement of my mom that convinced me to not give up.
Your GPS For Success - 3 Steps to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.
Regardless of what you want to accomplish or achieve as an individual or as a team, there are certain steps you must take to get from where you are to where you want to be. It will not happen automatically. You must be intentional. That means you’re not going to get there wandering around.
So Tommy, You're Starting a Revolution?
People who are not willing to climb to their God-given potential probably have no interest in what I have to offer.
However, those who hunger for their God-given potential are ready to move forward, to make changes, to discover what God has in store for them. They are much less likely to get sidetracked when the climb becomes difficult. Because it will get difficult.
Can We Afford NOT To?
I wish I had known my value. I think the more valuable we see ourselves the better choices we make.
Jesus, Communication, Purpose, and Sex - 4 Secrets to a Great Marriage Relationship
In my opinion, there is one more important secret to a great marriage…an extremely hot sex life! There, I said it. I know many of you were thinking it, so, I just went ahead and said it....
What Makes You Feel Truly Alive?
Being truly alive is more than just your heart beating..... what is it that keeps you up at night? Here are my 3 things.....
Recruiting Our Kids to Join the Revolution Against the Mundane
If I help thousands of people climb to their God-given potential but do not help my kids do the same in the process, then I have failed. My revolution against the mundane begins with my kids.