
3 Simple Strategies to Deal With Discouragement
In your opinion, what is the biggest obstacle to people reaching their goals?
A while back, I asked this question on Facebook. One of the top answers was: "the discouragement of other people." David Wilkinson, in his book “The Dream Giver”,…

First Roadblock: Denial; Blockbuster: Positive Self-Talk
I have shared with you before about how my mindset changed from a 6th-grade flunky to a 4.0 Masters student. I went from thinking I was an average student at best to a student that could excel. When my view of myself changed then so did my…

3 Very Easy Steps to Stay Highly Motivated
Motivation is not permanent, so why bother? Bathing is not permanent, either but you do that daily. We need to seek out ways to continue the motivation. Here are three practices that have helped me over the past 20 years.