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Comfort Zones Follow You - Get Moving!

Often when we feel “timid” or afraid that may be us trying to do things in our own power. When we rely on the power of God within us it gives us the courage to press on in the face of fear. John Wayne said, “Courage is being afraid and saddling up anyway.”
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Never Settle

Sometimes we become so satisfied with how good we are that we never reach our greatness.
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Who Do You Know and What Are You Reading? 2 Keys to a Successful Future

We are typically the average of the 10 people we spend the most time with. Tony Robbins says that every individual is a direct result of the expectations of their peer group.
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Enthusiasm Ingredient #3: Know-How

A year or two after I bought a PT Cruiser, the battery died. Although I am not mechanically inclined when it comes to cars (I had a mechanical bypass when I was very young) I had changed a few batteries in my time. Not a big deal, right? Well… I…

What To Do About Those Pesky ENTHUSIASM Thieves

This past weekend, my wife and I had a great time at our “ENTHUSE: Set Your Marriage On Fire” retreat. We had a high energy, solution-focused weekend that was full of enthusiasm. I cannot wait to do our next one! During the retreat, we…
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Enthusiasm - God In You

I use speaking and coaching to bring the power of ENTHUSIASM to those who are ready to inspire their fire. This is what I am all about. If you are ready to catch the fire and fan the flames, then you are who I want to work with. My mission…
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How To Keep Up Your Momentum (Video)

Leaders are lifelong learners. Never stop feeding your mind and your soul.
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How to Keep Up Your Momentum

What is your next step? Schedule a conference, seminar, or class. Hire a coach. Read a book that helps you become better at being who God created you to be. 
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How To Deal With Weird People

“What parenting advice do you have for someone just starting out?” My Dad answered, “Raise them according to their personality…That is where I went wrong with you.”