

Do You Want to 'Go All Out?'

Back in the 80’s, Hardee's restaurant had a motto that said, “If you’re gonna go, go all out!” One of their commercials had a grandmother and her grandson sitting sitting on a porch swing looking at a photo album. When they came to…
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You Are A Winner!

In 1997, I purchased my first Zig Ziglar tape (yes, it was a tape). The title of it was, “How to Be a Winner.” It set me on a journey of understanding myself and my abilities in a completely different way. Every time I would hear Zig say,…
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2 Secrets to Staying Motivated

Sometimes people ask me “How do you stay motivated?” My answer is always two-fold, “Make a commitment and take action.” Therein lies the secrets to staying motivated. Make a Commitment One of my favorite Zig Ziglar quotes is,…
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Do You Need to Get New Friends?

Last night I drove from my home in London, Kentucky to Lexington (about 1.5 hour drive) where I met up with two other friends who are professional speakers to ride with them to Louisville (another 1.25 drive) to attend a National Speakers Association…
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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

When I was preparing my first sermon at age 15 my minister at the time, Monty Cooper, sat down with me and walked me through the process. A couple of years later when I decided I wanted to go to Bible college to prepare for the ministry my minister…
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3 Steps to a Year of Enthusiasm

Next month, I will go on a personal retreat. Every year I go to a cabin out in the middle of the woods. It is so far back in the woods you cannot drive a car to it. You must park about a ½ mile away and then load up an ATV and drive it through…
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The Secret To Success

Often, people say to me, “What if I put all this time and effort into making goals and planning my life and then I fail? It would be easier not to do it at all. If I set a goal and fail that will be embarrassing.” I do not know if you…
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Motivation to Move Forward

Next week I am going on a personal retreat to prepare my heart, mind, and soul for 2018. I will take this time to reflect on 2017 and what went well and what are some areas I can improve. I will set some specific goals for 2018 and begin…
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How To Keep Up Your Momentum (Video)

Leaders are lifelong learners. Never stop feeding your mind and your soul.
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How to Keep Up Your Momentum

What is your next step? Schedule a conference, seminar, or class. Hire a coach. Read a book that helps you become better at being who God created you to be.