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My Thoughts on Mel Robbins' 5-Second Rule

Recently a fellow enthusiast asked about my thoughts on the 5-second rule taught by Mel Robbins. The concept is this: whenever you start to do something and your mind immediately begins to talk you out of it, you begin the countdown 5-4-3-2-1-GO!…
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How To Experience Freedom

Is there something you can specifically do in the next two weeks that would make your life worse? Is there something you can specifically do in the next two weeks that would make your life better? If you answered “yes” to those questions…

Top 10 Reasons You Need a Vision Board

Last year my wife, kids, and I created vision boards for 2018. We all made individual vision boards and we also did a family vision board together.  We will do the same thing for 2019!! Almost every night, we get together before bedtime…
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Enthusiasm Ingredient #3: Know-How

A year or two after I bought a PT Cruiser, the battery died. Although I am not mechanically inclined when it comes to cars (I had a mechanical bypass when I was very young) I had changed a few batteries in my time. Not a big deal, right? Well… I…
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Enthusiasm Ingredient #2 - Passion

In a recent blog we looked at ENTHUSIASM Ingredient # 1: Energy. Now for the ENTHUSIASM Ingredient # 2: Passion! Passion is that thing that keeps you up at night and wakes you up in the morning. It is a drive we have throughout our day,…

Enthusiasm Ingredient #1: ENERGY

My definition of enthusiasm: “A God-inspired fire ignited deep within your soul that drives you to never settle, live with passion, and turn the world upside down.”  A couple of weeks ago I began to think about the ingredients of enthusiasm.…

What To Do About Those Pesky ENTHUSIASM Thieves

This past weekend, my wife and I had a great time at our “ENTHUSE: Set Your Marriage On Fire” retreat. We had a high energy, solution-focused weekend that was full of enthusiasm. I cannot wait to do our next one! During the retreat, we…