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Are You Laughing Yet?

Church Bulletin Blooper: "Don't let worry kill you...let the church help." I find it funny when new scientific studies prove what the Bible has said for many, many years and people call it a new discovery. We now know, because of scientific studies, that there are health benefits to laughter. Some hospitals have actually started using laughter therapy....
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Do Not "Twist" Your Opportunity

Opportunity may be at your door, but if you are not ready it does not matter because someone else will be. It may be the next person you meet...
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God and Disc Golf

Here is the weird thing. I believe God has made us in a similar way that manufacturers have made those discs. He has made all of us different to serve different tasks. The sad part about this is that discs are more often used for their specific purpose than people are.
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What EXACTLY Is It You Do For a Living Tommy Lanham?

I serve those who hunger for their God-given potential. People who are content in their day-to-day life probably have no interest in what I have to offer.
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A Tribute to Mom

When I was asked to leave college because of my poor grades, it was the encouragement of my mom that convinced me to not give up.
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So Tommy, You're Starting a Revolution?

People who are not willing to climb to their God-given potential probably have no interest in what I have to offer. However, those who hunger for their God-given potential are ready to move forward, to make changes, to discover what God has in store for them. They are much less likely to get sidetracked when the climb becomes difficult. Because it will get difficult.
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6 Ingredients of a Wildly Successful Team

One thing I have learned in being a part of businesses, ministries, churches, numerous volunteer organizations, and a family is that they ALL work better when they work together.
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Can We Afford NOT To?

I wish I had known my value. I think the more valuable we see ourselves the better choices we make.
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How Are You Energized? Depends on Your Personality

Are you an extrovert?  Introvert? Sometimes there are misunderstandings about the differences between the two. Often times most think that one is outgoing and the other is shy.  It is much deeper than that.  Extroverts are not always outgoing…

Personality Styles Made Simple - Workshop

How can I get along with co-workers? My children are so different from me, how do I talk to them? How can I find fulfillment in my workplace? How can I make my marriage better? How can I be a better leader? If…