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What do you REALLY Want?

Do not sit around waiting for your ship to come in. If you want that ship, then swim out and get it. Stop waiting for it to come in. If you just sit and wait for it, somebody else will swim out to the ship you want and then you will just sit and complain about how lucky they were. I have discovered that the harder I work the luckier I become.

Using The Power of Focused Attention to Create Genius

In my last blog, we looked at writing out your “Dream List” or what some people call their “Be, Do, Have List.” If you have not read that blog you can go to it here. Now, it is time to choose one focus goal from your “Be, Do, Have”…
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Two Easy Steps to Predicting Your Future

Most people are not so much held back by a lack of time as they are a lack of focus and direction. What intentional steps can you take to get from where you are to where you want to be?