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Step One: If You Want to Find True Happiness, You Must Do Something

Happiness and joy will not find you, it must be sought out. However, if you only self-indulge to make yourself happy, you will never find happiness. If your actions are only for your benefit, then happiness will elude you.
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Do You Want to be Happy?

John Maxwell tells of the time an interviewer asked his wife, Margret, if John made her happy. John Maxwell smiled as he expected a positive answer to this question, but to his surprise, she said, “No.” He was shocked until...
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Are You Ready to Reevaluate 2017 And Make the Needed Adjustments?

Before you start the second half of the 2017 game, evaluate where you are, where you want to be, and make proper adjustments to reach your goal.
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Stop Blaming Other People

If it is to be, it is up to me. If you are to do, it is up to you. Stop blaming other people or circumstances.
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Start Your Journey On Your Knees

God is wanting you to be a part of what He is doing in this world. It is not just about going to heaven when you die. It is also about being strong glimpses of heaven right here on earth by serving God in the way he has made you to serve him.
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Enthusiasm - Set Yourself on Fire!

I have a passion for words. I love to study the background of words. I guess you could call me a word geek. I also realize the power in words.
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Are You Too Good to be Great?

What happened? Have you allowed your successes to ruin you? After experiencing a little success you began to settle. You lost your edge....
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Are You Laughing Yet?

Church Bulletin Blooper: "Don't let worry kill you...let the church help." I find it funny when new scientific studies prove what the Bible has said for many, many years and people call it a new discovery. We now know, because of scientific studies, that there are health benefits to laughter. Some hospitals have actually started using laughter therapy....
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God and Disc Golf

Here is the weird thing. I believe God has made us in a similar way that manufacturers have made those discs. He has made all of us different to serve different tasks. The sad part about this is that discs are more often used for their specific purpose than people are.