
Staring at the Reality of Covid-19

When I was 7 years old, I used to bring home Sunday School material, stand on our hearth in front of the fireplace, and read the material out loud pretending like I was preaching. It was around this time that the minister at my church, Jack…

Failing Forward

I hate taking a bath. I am a shower kind of man. I like to have the water beat the dirt off of me instead of sitting in a pool of water with the dirt floating all around me. However, several years ago my wife and I moved into a new house…
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Organized Dreaming - 5 Real Steps to Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

...Then I did a Bible study on goals. I came up with 5 simple steps to achieving your goals…Sort of…

What Makes You Tick and What Ticks You Off?

Everybody is different. What makes you tick and what ticks you off is unique to you. We all have different personalities. Each one of should embrace how God has made us. If you think being you is tough you should try being someone else. God made you to be you!
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The Top 5 Qualities of a Leader

I feel these are five very important aspects of great leadership. Whether you are a CEO, minister, spouse, or parent applying each one of the above characteristics will improve your leadership.
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Time Management is a LIE! How to Make the Most of Every Opportunity

Time management is a myth. Life is not about time, it is about priorities. Ephesians 5:15-16 says, “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity.” How we do this may be different for each one of us of depending on our personality style.
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How Lighting Barbie's Hair on Fire Changed My Life

I took one of my older sister’s Barbie dolls and a lighter and I walked into my mom and dad’s bedroom......
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Comfort Zones Follow You - Get Moving!

Often when we feel “timid” or afraid that may be us trying to do things in our own power. When we rely on the power of God within us it gives us the courage to press on in the face of fear. John Wayne said, “Courage is being afraid and saddling up anyway.”