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Never Settle

Sometimes we become so satisfied with how good we are that we never reach our greatness.
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How To Experience Freedom

Is there something you can specifically do in the next two weeks that would make your life worse? Is there something you can specifically do in the next two weeks that would make your life better? If you answered “yes” to those questions…
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Who Do You Know and What Are You Reading? 2 Keys to a Successful Future

We are typically the average of the 10 people we spend the most time with. Tony Robbins says that every individual is a direct result of the expectations of their peer group.
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What Do You See When You Look At You?

  Charles Cooley’s theory of the Looking-Glass Self in its simplest form is the belief that people see themselves the way they perceive the most important people in their lives see them. As followers of Jesus who should be the most important…
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4 Reasons You REALLY Should Laugh More

4 Reasons You Should Laugh More Here are some announcements found in actual church bulletins: “Tonight’s Sermon: WHAT IS HELL? Come early and listen to our choir practice.” “CHURCH RUMMAGE SALE. A good opportunity to get rid…
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Enthusiasm Ingredient #3: Know-How

A year or two after I bought a PT Cruiser, the battery died. Although I am not mechanically inclined when it comes to cars (I had a mechanical bypass when I was very young) I had changed a few batteries in my time. Not a big deal, right? Well… I…