Entries by T Lanham

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God is Not Done With You

If your life is all about you, then you will never reach your God-given potential. You may experience some success. You may even improve your own life in a limited and temporary way, but you will never reach your God-given potential until you develop a God-perspective and seek to turn the world upside down.

Reaching your God-given potential is not about playing it safe, being comfortable, or improving your own little world.

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What do you REALLY Want?

Do not sit around waiting for your ship to come in. If you want that ship, then swim out and get it. Stop waiting for it to come in. If you just sit and wait for it, somebody else will swim out to the ship you want and then you will just sit and complain about how lucky they were.

I have discovered that the harder I work the luckier I become.

Failing Forward

I hate taking a bath. I am a shower kind of man. I like to have the water beat the dirt off of me instead of sitting in a pool of water with the dirt floating all around me. However, several years ago my wife and I moved into a new house where the shower […]