Entries by T Lanham

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How I Went From a 6th-grade Flunky to 4.0 Grad Student

I wrote a blog about how I went from a 6th-grade flunky who always struggled academically to a student that excelled in a Master’s program with a 4.0 GPA. Someone made the comment that the school must not have been very good if someone who always struggled academically was able to do so well. I think his insinuation was that it was not a “real” Master’s from a “real” school.

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Why Are You Here?

Is not life more than just living, dying, and having kids? Is this it? Just survive and reproduce? I believe there is more. Our purpose is bigger than just living, dying, and having kids. Our God-given purpose is to make an eternal difference in people’s lives and to make this world a better place in the process.