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Because.... Success Leaves Clues

When my wife and I notice couples who appear to be happy in their relationship and they appear to have been together a long time, we approach them to find out a little about their story (if it seems they are willing to share).  We ask how they…
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Focused Enthusiasm for Entrepreneurs

Finances are important when it comes to running a business.  I have had money and I haven’t had money, it is better to have it. If you are not making money you will not be in business long. So, how does an entrepreneur reach their financial…
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How To Experience Freedom

Is there something you can specifically do in the next two weeks that would make your life worse? Is there something you can specifically do in the next two weeks that would make your life better? If you answered “yes” to those questions…

Top 10 Reasons You Need a Vision Board

Last year my wife, kids, and I created vision boards for 2018. We all made individual vision boards and we also did a family vision board together.  We will do the same thing for 2019!! Almost every night, we get together before bedtime…
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What Do You See When You Look At You?

  Charles Cooley’s theory of the Looking-Glass Self in its simplest form is the belief that people see themselves the way they perceive the most important people in their lives see them. As followers of Jesus who should be the most important…