Helen Keller was once asked if there was anything she could think of that was worse than being blind.helen keller.png
John Maxwell defines vision as “a picture of the future that stirs up passion within you.” Do you have vision? Do you have a picture of your future that stirs up a passion within you? The best way to predict the future is to create it.

What do you believe God’s dream or vision for you may be? Through prayer, reflection, feedback from those who know you best, Bible reading, you can discover your passion. God created you for a reason, for a purpose, for a dream. God has a dream he wants to accomplish through you.

Are you up for the challenge? It will not be easy. It will not always be smooth, but it is where you will live your life to the fullest extent. If you want to climb to your God-given potential, you must discover what God’s dream is for you and then pursue it.

Bruce Wilkinson says, “If you do not follow your God-given dream something significantly important will not happen.”

Several years ago the Statler Brothers had a song called “The Class of ‘57” Some of the lyrics went like this:

class 1957Tommy’s selling used cars, Nancy’s fixing hair
Harvey runs a grocery store and Margaret doesn’t care
Jerry drives a truck for Sears and Charlotte’s on the make
And Paul sells life insurance and part-time real estate.

And the class of ’57 had its dreams
Oh, we all thought we’d change the world with our great works and deeds
Or maybe we just thought the world would change to fit our needs
The class of ’57 had its dreams.

Betty runs a trailer park, Jan sells Tupperware
Randy’s in an insane ward and Mary’s on welfare
Charlie took a job with Ford and Joe took Freddie’s wife
Charlotte took a millionaire and Freddie took his life.

And the class of ’57 had its dreams
But living life day to day is never like it seems
Things get complicated when you get past eighteen
But the class of ’57 had its dreams
Oh, the class of ’57 had its dreams.


Most of the time we do not need to discover our dreams. We typically know what they are, we have just buried them somewhere inside our mind and soul where we do not see them anymore.

Pull them out! Re-discover why God put you on this planet. Do not let the realities of life steal your God-given dreams.

What are some of your God-given dreams?