Recently, as I was rambling through Half-Price Books, I found a book that is a tribute to Charlie “Tremendous” Jones. I immediately picked it up, flipped through the pages, and bought it.
Charlie “Tremendous” Jones was a speaker and author who passed away a few years ago. As I was flipping through the book I was reminded of one of my favorite quotes and probably the one he is best known for, “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” What a powerful quote.
“You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” We are typically the average of the 10 people we spend the most time with. Tony Robbins says that every individual is a direct result of the expectations of their peer group.
With that in mind, surround yourself with people who are where you would like to be. First of all, if you want to grow spiritually then get involved with a healthy, growing church. That is one of the main reasons Jesus established the church so we could help each other grow (Ephesians 4:11-15).
However, in any endeavor, who you surround yourself with will help determine your success or failure. This is why recovering addicts cannot rejoin the same group of people they were drinking or doing drugs (or whatever their addiction may have been) with. The people you hang around the most will determine your success or failure in life.
This is why, as an emerging speaker, I am a part of the Kentucky division of the National Speakers Association. I get to learn from those who are better than I am. If you want to get better than you are, at whatever you do, you must hang around people who are better than you. It may not be comfortable, but it is more comfortable than not reaching your goals.
As a life coach, I am a part of the International Christian Coaches Association. I also have attended the American Association of Christian Counselors World Convention numerous times to be a part of their life coaching track where I get to meet the best and the brightest in Christian life coaching and leadership coaching. Last year I get to
present my “Coaching Different Personality Styles” (similar to my “Great Minds Think Together” program) to fellow coaches from all over the world at this conference. I love being a part of this group of people.
Let me also touch on the other half of Charlie “Tremendous” Jones’ quote “the books you read.” If you want to be closer to reaching your God-given potential in five years you must become a reader. Leaders are readers! Become a life-long learner!
First of all, if you want to grow spiritually you must read the Bible on a regular basis. Learn to love God’s Word. It is literally a love letter from God to you.
Secondly, read books that pertain to what it is you do or want to do. As a speaker and coach, I frequently read books about coaching and speaking. As a husband, I read books about marriage. As a dad, I read books about parenting. If you want to be better at something five years from now than you are today then read good books about that subject.
“You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” –Charlie “Tremendous” Jones
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Tommy Lanham is a 6th grade flunky and has been kicked out of Bible college. Tommy discovered the power of goal-setting, personality strategy and an enthusiasm mindset. Using these strategies, he rewired himself for success and at 44, he completed a 3-year Master’s program in 18 months with an impressive 4.0 GPA.
He’s now an award-winning speaker, personality strategist, and author. He speaks nationally but calls Kentucky home. He’s developed his own personality style typology test and profiler and has authored a book based on his signature 5-step goal-setting system.
These expert tools give Tommy a unique ability to help businesses, ministries, marriages and individuals identify a personality strategy, set goals to conquer challenges and create a high level of consistent enthusiasm. Tommy’s on a mission to break the monotony of the mundane and mediocre by bringing as much enthusiasm to as many businesses, ministries, marriages and individual lives as he possibly can.
Tommy oozes enthusiasm. You can’t help but to be motivated and inspired just by being in the same room! Tommy keeps your team awake AND launches them into a results-driven culture.