A few years ago, my wonderful mother-in-law got me an excellent Christmas gift. She usually gets me good gifts anyway. I love flashlights and it seems like she gets me a new one every year. I love peanuts, and she typically gets me a large container of Virginia Diner gourmet peanuts. Wow! My mouth is watering just thinking about it! I am glad Christmas will be here soon.
However, with all the great Christmas gifts my mother-in-law has ever gotten me, one year she topped them all! You guys know I am a personal development junkie. One year she got me… The brand new… Tony Robbins “Ultimate Edge: A 3-Part System for Creating an Extraordinary Life in Any Environment”!
It came with 26 CD’s of Tony Robbins’ teaching as well as 2 DVD’s and an additional 5 CD’s from his audio magazine, “Powertalk.” This is over 40 hours of Tony Robbins teachings, and I have listened to all of the core 26 CD’s eight times over the course of that following year. “Thank you, my dearest mother-in-law. I can’t wait to see what you get me this year for Christmas. I have been a very good boy!”
Anyway, one of the CD’s included in the “Ultimate Edge” is called “Daily Magic.” It is a CD made to use in the mornings to get your day off to a great start. One section of the “Daily Magic” CD is entitled “Get Grateful.”
The “Get Grateful” section is all about having an attitude of gratitude. During this time I reflect and I thank God for those things in my life that I often times take for granted. I thank God for:
My wife
My kids
His grace
His forgiveness
His love
My health
That I get to do what I love
And a plethora of other things I am thankful for.
This helps me be aware of how blessed I really am. There is an old hymn titled “Count Your Blessings,” and this is exactly what I have done on almost a daily basis. It has helped to change my life.
When we start off the day with a grateful attitude, the rest of the day goes better. How can I complain right after I have thanked God for so many things that are right in my life? Having an attitude of gratitude can make the rest of the day so much better.
It is also healthier. Being grateful relieves stress and helps us feel more relaxed. When we thank God for our health, then we will have more health to be thankful for.
If you want to focus on the negatives of life, you will find them. If you want to focus on the positives of life, you will find them. You will typically find what you are looking for.
The more you complain, the more you will have to complain about. The more you are grateful, the more you will have to be grateful about. We tend to attract what we focus on.
As we approach Thanksgiving, I would encourage you to make Thanksgiving more than an annual celebration. Make it a daily habit. I made that change that year I got the Tony Robbins program and I intend to continue that tradition for years to come. It has made all the difference… Perhaps it is the road less traveled.
In 2017, my mother-in-law made me a more grateful person making me more positive, healthy and focused. Thanks!
What are you thankful for?
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Tommy Lanham is an award-winning speaker, personality strategist, and world changer. He was a regional finalist for the Toastmasters International Speech Contest in 2019, making him one of the top 100 speakers in the world! Tommy Lanham is the epitome of enthusiasm. It oozes out of him. He’s obsessed.
At 12, he was a sixth-grade flunky. At 22, he was kicked out of college because of a .8 GPA. (You read that right—a.8 GPA.) After 6 years, he completed his undergrad degree with an unimpressive 2.3 GPA.
Then something happened. Tommy discovered the power of goal-setting, personality strategy, and an enthusiasm mindset.
Tommy calls these “The 8 Decisions.” He has developed the framework of these key decisions over 25 years of successfully coaching, training, and motivating people to reach their God-given potential.
Tommy is on a mission to break out of the monotony of the mundane and mediocre so you can break through to your ENTHUSIASM Zone.