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Can We Afford Not To? (Video)

No matter who you are or where you are, if you will simply discover what it is that stirs up your enthusiasm and simply spend at least one hour a day on that for at least five years you will become an expert on that subject.
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Can We Afford Not To?

All of us have the God-given potential to be an expert in something. I have found mine…What is yours?
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Well-Rounded People Have No Point

Forget about being well-rounded and instead get intensely-focused on what God created you to do.
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The Secret Code Behind Remarkable Communication

Everyone has some of both sensing and intuition. However, we all have one that is more dominate than the other. This is your preference for how you best and most naturally communicate.
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How Are You Energized? Depends on Your Personality

Are you an extrovert?  Introvert? Sometimes there are misunderstandings about the differences between the two. Often times most think that one is outgoing and the other is shy.  It is much deeper than that.  Extroverts are not always outgoing…
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How Your Personality Affects the Decisions You Make

Just to be clear, we need all four styles of decision making to run churches, organizations, and even families at their optimal level. Great minds do not think alike, but they do think together. We need to appreciate and work with each other’s decision-making style so together we can better reach our God-given potential.

Abnormal, Unbalanced, and Out of Step Abnormal, Unbalanced, and Out of Step:  The Art and Science of Embracing Yourself. "Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish on how well it can climb a tree, it will live it's whole life…

Personality Styles Made Simple - Workshop

How can I get along with co-workers? My children are so different from me, how do I talk to them? How can I find fulfillment in my workplace? How can I make my marriage better? How can I be a better leader? If…