
God Has A General Purpose For You
Today we will look at our general purpose. Not only does everyone have a specific purpose that is unique to each individual, we also have a general purpose as humans. This purpose is not unique to individuals. It is universal for all mankind.

What do you REALLY Want?
Do not sit around waiting for your ship to come in. If you want that ship, then swim out and get it. Stop waiting for it to come in. If you just sit and wait for it, somebody else will swim out to the ship you want and then you will just sit and complain about how lucky they were.
I have discovered that the harder I work the luckier I become.

How Lighting Barbie's Hair on Fire Changed My Life
I took one of my older sister’s Barbie dolls and a lighter and I walked into my mom and dad’s bedroom......

Who Do You Know and What Are You Reading? 2 Keys to a Successful Future
We are typically the average of the 10 people we spend the most time with. Tony Robbins says that every individual is a direct result of the expectations of their peer group.

How To Keep Up Your Momentum (Video)
Leaders are lifelong learners. Never stop feeding your mind and your soul.

How to Keep Up Your Momentum
What is your next step? Schedule a conference, seminar, or class. Hire a coach. Read a book that helps you become better at being who God created you to be.

How To Deal With Weird People
“What parenting advice do you have for someone just starting out?” My Dad answered, “Raise them according to their personality…That is where I went wrong with you.”

Do You Want to Know Why You Got Fired? (Video)
Nothing is more important than our relationship with God and our relationships with other people.

How the Bible Says to Build Winning Relationships
Always do what is good for others even if they are not doing the same for us. Someone has to set the standard. If we dumb down to their level of thinking and acting then we have allowed them to set our standard. Let us set our own higher standard.

Are You Going to Dream or Are You Going to Climb?
Sometimes I hear people talking about waiting on God. God has made it very plain that waiting is what we need to do, then wait. However, most of the time we are just trying to spiritualize our reluctance to take action. I get this strong feeling that God is probably waiting on them.