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A Tribute to Mom

When I was asked to leave college because of my poor grades, it was the encouragement of my mom that convinced me to not give up.

An Atheist's Journey to Faith: A Movie Review of "The Case for Christ"

Lee was an atheist that decided to investigate the Christian faith, and specifically the resurrection of Jesus, after his wife became a Christian. Wanting desperately to prove his wife wrong, Strobel sets out on a journalistic investigation by meeting up with some of the top experts in the fields of science, psychology, medicine, philosophy, and yes, theology.
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Who ARE You Anyway?

How is someone who is an introvert, intuitive, feeler, perceiver; different from someone who is an extrovert, sensing, thinker, judger? The different combinations of these four areas (how we are energized, communicate, make decisions, and prioritize) helps us understand our specific personality style. Throughout the rest of the blog...
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Are You Scheduled or Spontaneous?

Over the last three blogs, we have looked at how different people energize, communicate, and make decisions. Today we will look at how different people prioritize. Again, we can break this down into two different styles of prioritizing.
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How Do You Make Decisions?

As with the extrovert and introvert; sensing and intuitive; there is no right or wrong when it comes to being a thinker or a feeler. We need both. When they work together, instead of against each other, they both can be more productive, happy, and content.
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How Are You Energized? Depends on Your Personality

Are you an extrovert?  Introvert? Sometimes there are misunderstandings about the differences between the two. Often times most think that one is outgoing and the other is shy.  It is much deeper than that.  Extroverts are not always outgoing…

Can Life Coaches Help With Anxiety and Depression?

Some would say that life coaching should not be used to overcome anxiety and/or depression. Others would claim that life coaching interventions can be used for mild to moderate anxiety or depression. Read more...

The Shack: A Study in Theology Pleasantly Disguised as a Movie

"The Shack" gives us a study of the Trinity, redemption, forgiveness, judgment, the relationship between God and humans, etc. I am not saying I fully agree with everything the movie may have taught about these subjects. To be honest, I do not agree with everything I hear taught in a typical church Bible study about these subjects, either.

Never Settle - My secret formula to success and accomplishing goals.

Are you on track for reaching your 2017 goals? What? Did you not set any?  It's never too late to get started. Listen as I reveal my secret formula to success in setting and accomplishing goals. Do you or your…