It Starts With Enthusiasm
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale described enthusiasm this way: “Enthusiasm—the priceless quality that makes everything different.” In other words, enthusiasm is the difference maker! We often underestimate the power of enthusiasm.
Ralph Waldo…
Stop It! - What Is A "Sabbath" Anyway?
Sabbath literally means to STOP. Holy rest... that's it...
What else is there to write? I guess this would make a really short blog post if I stopped right there so I'll elaborate a bit.
Exodus 20: 8-11 says:
8 “Remember…
4 Reasons You REALLY Should Laugh More
4 Reasons You Should Laugh More
Here are some announcements found in actual church bulletins:
“Tonight’s Sermon: WHAT IS HELL? Come early and listen to our choir practice.”
“CHURCH RUMMAGE SALE. A good opportunity to get rid…
Pour Some Enthusiasm Into Your Marriage
As my wife and I are preparing for our marriage retreat this weekend my heart and mind are focused on marriages. My mission is “to break the monotony of the mundane and the mediocre by bringing as much ENTHUSIASM to as many businesses, ministries,…
Do You Want to Know Why You Got Fired? (Video)
Nothing is more important than our relationship with God and our relationships with other people.
Do You Want to Know Why You Got Fired?
A few years ago, my wife and I found ourselves allowing other things to become more important to us than our relationship with each other, our kids, our friends, and even our God.
Only Hurting People Hurt People
If for some reason we have less love for ourselves then we have less love to give. It is almost like Jesus knew what he was talking about.
Are You Wasting Your Life?
To say, “I am the same person I have always been” is to say “I have never grown up” or “I am not any smarter now than I ever was” or “I just don’t give a crap about getting any better in any area of my life”.
Step Three to Finding Real Happiness: Feed Your Mind
You may have finished your formal schooling, but if you want to find real happiness and joy, you must never finish your education.