One Ingredient All Healthy Relationships Must Have
“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces” (Matthew 7:6, NIV). Most people teach that Jesus is telling us here to not waste our time trying to lead people to him who are not willing to follow him. I do not believe that is what Jesus is teaching here at all.
Are You Wasting Your Life?
To say, “I am the same person I have always been” is to say “I have never grown up” or “I am not any smarter now than I ever was” or “I just don’t give a crap about getting any better in any area of my life”.
Are You Going to Dream or Are You Going to Climb?
Sometimes I hear people talking about waiting on God. God has made it very plain that waiting is what we need to do, then wait. However, most of the time we are just trying to spiritualize our reluctance to take action. I get this strong feeling that God is probably waiting on them.
How I Went From a 6th-grade Flunky to 4.0 Grad Student
I wrote a blog about how I went from a 6th-grade flunky who always struggled academically to a student that excelled in a Master’s program with a 4.0 GPA. Someone made the comment that the school must not have been very good if someone who always struggled academically was able to do so well. I think his insinuation was that it was not a “real” Master's from a “real” school.
Where There Is No Vision, The People Perish
To not have that purpose is deadening. To discover and follow that purpose is life to the full; life more abundantly; it is real and eternal life, more and better life than we ever dreamed of!
Helen Keller said it well when asked if there was anything worse than being blind and she replied, “Yes, being able to see and having no vision.”
Is Jesus Your Leader?
Our first purpose is to come to know, love, and follow Jesus. It is only in him “that we find out who we are and what we are living for.”
Why Are You Here?
Is not life more than just living, dying, and having kids? Is this it? Just survive and reproduce? I believe there is more. Our purpose is bigger than just living, dying, and having kids. Our God-given purpose is to make an eternal difference in people’s lives and to make this world a better place in the process.
Step 4 to Finding Real Happiness: A Deep Spiritual Connection to God
One of the best ways to find real happiness is to become a giver. Psychologist Alfred Adler put it this way, “We could be cured of depression in only fourteen days if every day we would try to do something good for somebody else.”
Step Three to Finding Real Happiness: Feed Your Mind
You may have finished your formal schooling, but if you want to find real happiness and joy, you must never finish your education.
Do You Want to be Happy?
John Maxwell tells of the time an interviewer asked his wife, Margret, if John made her happy. John Maxwell smiled as he expected a positive answer to this question, but to his surprise, she said, “No.” He was shocked until...