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Jesus, Communication, Purpose, and Sex - 4 Secrets to a Great Marriage Relationship

In my opinion, there is one more important secret to a great marriage…an extremely hot sex life! There, I said it. I know many of you were thinking it, so, I just went ahead and said it....
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Become Greater Than You Are - 4 Case Studies

On May 6th, my friend, David Palmer, will graduate from the University of the Cumberlands. David’s announcement brought back memories of my own journey. I was never a good student academically. I was a “C” student at best. I always enjoyed school. A matter of fact I enjoyed the 6th grade so well I took it twice.
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Who ARE You Anyway?

How is someone who is an introvert, intuitive, feeler, perceiver; different from someone who is an extrovert, sensing, thinker, judger? The different combinations of these four areas (how we are energized, communicate, make decisions, and prioritize) helps us understand our specific personality style. Throughout the rest of the blog...
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Are You Scheduled or Spontaneous?

Over the last three blogs, we have looked at how different people energize, communicate, and make decisions. Today we will look at how different people prioritize. Again, we can break this down into two different styles of prioritizing.
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How Do You Make Decisions?

As with the extrovert and introvert; sensing and intuitive; there is no right or wrong when it comes to being a thinker or a feeler. We need both. When they work together, instead of against each other, they both can be more productive, happy, and content.
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2 Keys to Help You Reach Your Potential

Intentional commitment, committed action, developing your “must”, however you want to say it, it comes down to deciding exactly what you are going to do and then doing it no matter what.
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Follow Your God-Given Dreams

Helen Keller was once asked if there was anything she could think of that was worse than being blind. John Maxwell defines vision as “a picture of the future that stirs up passion within you.” Do you have vision? Do you have a picture of…