How To Keep Up Your Momentum (Video)
Leaders are lifelong learners. Never stop feeding your mind and your soul.
How to Keep Up Your Momentum
What is your next step? Schedule a conference, seminar, or class. Hire a coach. Read a book that helps you become better at being who God created you to be.
How To Deal With Weird People
“What parenting advice do you have for someone just starting out?” My Dad answered, “Raise them according to their personality…That is where I went wrong with you.”
Do You Want to Know Why You Got Fired? (Video)
Nothing is more important than our relationship with God and our relationships with other people.
Do You Want to Know Why You Got Fired?
A few years ago, my wife and I found ourselves allowing other things to become more important to us than our relationship with each other, our kids, our friends, and even our God.
You Cannot Stay Here (Video)
“Staycations” might be nice. But if we want to climb to our God-given potential, we cannot live our life like a “staycation.”
You Cannot Stay Here
Are you settling for a job that pays the bills? There is nothing wrong with where you are… Just don’t stay there.
Can We Afford Not To? (Video)
No matter who you are or where you are, if you will simply discover what it is that stirs up your enthusiasm and simply spend at least one hour a day on that for at least five years you will become an expert on that subject.
Can We Afford Not To?
All of us have the God-given potential to be an expert in something. I have found mine…What is yours?
Well-Rounded People Have No Point
Forget about being well-rounded and instead get intensely-focused on what God created you to do.