Do You Want to Be a Part of the 6" Club?
Are you ready to quit? Give in? Give up? The second Friday of January is National Quitters’ Day. Within the first two weeks of the new year, 94% give up on their New Year’s resolutions. Only 6% follow through to completion. So, what do the 6% do that the other 94% do not do?
What To Do With Obstacles
One of the important aspects of achieving our goals is often overlooked. That aspect is.... the obstacles in our way. What role do obstacles play in our journey to achieve our goals?
Obstacles, when looked at correctly, can often help us…
3 Solid Principles for Stronger Relationships
3 Solid Principles for Stronger Relationships
It is estimated that over 99% of counseling is relationship counseling. 70% of people who are fired are fired because they did not get along or fit in. A 20-year Harvard study showed that…
3 Simple Strategies to Deal With Discouragement
In your opinion, what is the biggest obstacle to people reaching their goals?
A while back, I asked this question on Facebook. One of the top answers was: "the discouragement of other people." David Wilkinson, in his book “The Dream Giver”,…
Never Settle
Never Settle
In 1 Thessalonians 4:1, Paul says to the church in Thessalonica; “Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact, you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this…
Organized Dreaming - 5 Real Steps to Turn Your Dreams Into Reality
...Then I did a Bible study on goals. I came up with 5 simple steps to achieving your goals…Sort of…
My Thoughts on Mel Robbins' 5-Second Rule
Recently a fellow enthusiast asked about my thoughts on the 5-second rule taught by Mel Robbins. The concept is this: whenever you start to do something and your mind immediately begins to talk you out of it, you begin the countdown 5-4-3-2-1-GO!…
Do You Want to Change the World With Me?
Some people are intensely focused in the wrong direction.
Top 10 Reasons You Need a Vision Board
Last year my wife, kids, and I created vision boards for 2018. We all made individual vision boards and we also did a family vision board together. We will do the same thing for 2019!!
Almost every night, we get together before bedtime…