
Do You Want to Be a Part of the 6% Club?
Are you ready to quit? Give in? Give up? The second Friday of January is National Quitters’ Day. Within the first two weeks of the new year, 94% give up on their New Year’s resolutions. Only 6% follow through to completion. So, what do the 6% do that the other 94% do not do?

Are You Going to Dream or Are You Going to Climb?
Sometimes I hear people talking about waiting on God. God has made it very plain that waiting is what we need to do, then wait. However, most of the time we are just trying to spiritualize our reluctance to take action. I get this strong feeling that God is probably waiting on them.

Start Your Journey On Your Knees
God is wanting you to be a part of what He is doing in this world. It is not just about going to heaven when you die. It is also about being strong glimpses of heaven right here on earth by serving God in the way he has made you to serve him.

March Madness That Never Ends
Just like John Calipari (or any other college coach that recruits players) chooses to recruit specific players for the University of Kentucky, Jesus has specifically chosen me.
I am on his team and he is my coach. We may lose a game from time to time (because of my play) but we are destined to win the championship (because of His leadership). That is a March Madness that never ends.

How Your Personality Affects the Decisions You Make
Just to be clear, we need all four styles of decision making to run churches, organizations, and even families at their optimal level. Great minds do not think alike, but they do think together. We need to appreciate and work with each other’s decision-making style so together we can better reach our God-given potential.

The Shack: A Study in Theology Pleasantly Disguised as a Movie
"The Shack" gives us a study of the Trinity, redemption, forgiveness, judgment, the relationship between God and humans, etc. I am not saying I fully agree with everything the movie may have taught about these subjects. To be honest, I do not agree with everything I hear taught in a typical church Bible study about these subjects, either.