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4 Questions To Ask Before Taking Action

"Everyone gets an idea in the shower, but the successful ones get out of the shower, dry off, and do something about it."- Nolan Bushnell, inventor of Atari
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Two Easy Steps to Predicting Your Future

Most people are not so much held back by a lack of time as they are a lack of focus and direction. What intentional steps can you take to get from where you are to where you want to be?

Jesus, The Ultimate Leader

Jesus had followers that were so devout that they would lay down their lives for him. How many of you would like employees like that? There's a catch. You must go first.
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Are You Alive?

How long have you been alive? This question reminds me of the illustration Tony Campolo uses:  Picture the professor asking his class this question. When they began to answer with their ages, he points out that they are merely answering how…
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"I Sure Do Miss The Drugs Though" - Surviving Internal Struggles

Johnny Cash was having a meal with Bono (the lead singer for U2) and they both bowed their heads to pray. Johnny Cash prayed and thanked God for the food, friendships, forgiveness, and salvation. After the prayer Johnny Cash raised his head…

Go all out!!

A while back, Hardee’s had a tagline in their commercials, “If you’re gonna go, go all out!” One of those commercials pictures a grandmother with her grandson sitting on the front porch swing looking at a family photo album. With each…

Live With Passion