go all out 2A while back, Hardee’s had a tagline in their commercials, “If you’re gonna go, go all out!” One of those commercials pictures a grandmother with her grandson sitting on the front porch swing looking at a family photo album. With each page turn, the grandson asks, “Who is that?” and the grandmother tells stories about that particular family member.

Eventually, they come to a page where the grandmother gives a different answer. “That was your uncle Henry. When we were kids, your uncle Henry was playing hide-and-go-seek with the rest of us kids right here in this yard. For some reason, your Uncle Henry was never found. Nobody ever knew what happened to him.”

About that time this old guy jumps out from underneath the front porch and dances around shouting, “I win! I win!”  The voiceover announces, “If you’re gonna, go all out!”

That is a good philosophy for life. “If you’re gonna go, go all out!” Do not piddle your life away. Never settle, live with enthusiasm, and turn the world upside down!

Never settle for what life hands you. Instead, go out and get it.go_all_out_twit

Do not settle for a mediocre marriage; put forth the effort to have an extraordinary marriage.

Do not settle for a mediocre job. Have a job that fits your abilities and passions (sometimes this means changing jobs, sometimes this means changing you) and creates a strong sense of fulfillment in you.

Do not settle for a mediocre faith; fall radically in love with the one who is radically in love with you… Jesus!

Do not settle for a mediocre life; live a life full of passion and purpose that is a full life, an abundant life, a real, eternal life, and a more and better life than you ever dreamed of! Live life to the fullest!

Live with enthusiasm! Live life in such a way that you cannot wait to get up in the morning and experience your day. Make the most of every moment. This day is your day, make it the best day ever!

Turn the world upside down! Do something that makes a positive difference in the world. Give of your time, your talents, and your treasure (money). This is how we turn the world upside down! Living life to the fullest is not about being self-indulgent, it is about being self-sacrificing. It is about seeking ways to please God and help other people.

When you discover what your passion and purpose are and understand the talents God has given you, then use those for God’s glory.

It is not about you. It is about God and what he wants us to do with what he has given us.

If you are gonna go, go all out! Do not hold anything back. Leave it all on the field. Live in such a way that at the end of your life you can say, “It is finished.” For there are no sadder words than these: “What might have been?”

How are you “going all out?”

Tommy Lanham is an award-winning speaker, personality strategist, and world changer. He was a regional finalist for the 2019 Toastmasters International Speech Contest, making him one of the top 100 speakers in the world! Tommy Lanham is the epitome of enthusiasm. It oozes out of him. He’s obsessed.

At 12, he was a sixth-grade flunky. At 22, he was kicked out of college because of a .8 GPA.  After 6 years, he completed his undergrad degree with an unimpressive 2.3 GPA.

Then something happened. Tommy discovered he had made 8 important decisions about goal-setting, personality strategy, and developing an enthusiasm mindset.

Tommy calls these “The 8 Decisions.” He has developed the framework of these key decisions over 25 years of successfully coaching, training, and motivating people to reach their God-given potential.

Tommy is on a mission to break out of the monotony of the mundane and mediocre so you can break through to your ENTHUSIASM Zone.


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