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Recruiting Our Kids to Join the Revolution Against the Mundane

If I help thousands of people climb to their God-given potential but do not help my kids do the same in the process, then I have failed. My revolution against the mundane begins with my kids.
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How We Avoid Money Fights In Our Marriage

After being freed from a 13-year mortgage, I seriously doubt my wife and I will ever have another mortgage. We might, but it is unlikely. It is just too freeing to not have any debt. My hate for debt is stronger than my love for a house.
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Spirituality, Contribution and Leaving a Legacy

All three of these go together. Spirituality, contribution, and leaving a legacy seem to be a part of each other. I believe Jesus was the perfect embodiment of all three.
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Become Greater Than You Are - 4 Case Studies

On May 6th, my friend, David Palmer, will graduate from the University of the Cumberlands. David’s announcement brought back memories of my own journey. I was never a good student academically. I was a “C” student at best. I always enjoyed school. A matter of fact I enjoyed the 6th grade so well I took it twice.
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Who ARE You Anyway?

How is someone who is an introvert, intuitive, feeler, perceiver; different from someone who is an extrovert, sensing, thinker, judger? The different combinations of these four areas (how we are energized, communicate, make decisions, and prioritize) helps us understand our specific personality style. Throughout the rest of the blog...
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How Do You Make Decisions?

As with the extrovert and introvert; sensing and intuitive; there is no right or wrong when it comes to being a thinker or a feeler. We need both. When they work together, instead of against each other, they both can be more productive, happy, and content.
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Will You Take Extreme Steps To Start Saving Money?

If your child was in a burning house, what would you do to get that person out of the house? We will only start saving money when it becomes very, very, very important. Just like saving the child from a house fire, when it becomes very, very, very important to us, then no excuse is strong enough to keep us from taking action.
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What Can You Do With a Lot of Money?

Someone who is faithful about saving a little money every month over a lifetime will build wealth. Being wealthy is not a sin. It is the attitude behind the wealth and the accumulation of it that makes it right or wrong. There are many wealthy people who use their money for godly purposes.
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Are You Dying From Debt Related Stress?

Debt is a killer! Debt is financial cancer that is killing people that would otherwise be financially stable. The belief that the poor must go into debt to get by is a myth. I realize I may get some backlash from that but it is true. A matter of fact, the less money one has, the more fatal going into debt will be.
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Are You Prepared to Lose Your Job?

You know - when the car sounds like the motor is about to explode every time you stop at a traffic signal.... there may be an automobile repair in your near future. Cars break down, people get sick, houses needs immediate repairs, and people lose jobs. Emergencies happen. It is a fact of life. It is wise to be prepared. We need an emergency fund. Some people call it a rainy day fund. Whatever you call it, there is much wisdom in preparing for financial emergencies.