God, Save Us From Practical People

We tell kids, “You can be anything you want to be!” As they grow older we began to say, “You need to be practical.” God save us from practical people!
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An Open Letter to the Church

I love the church and I have been disgusted with the church. The church has been my biggest source of comfort and my biggest source of pain.
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Are Ghandi and Michael Jackson Religious Leaders?

You cannot give what you do not have. You cannot give good financial advice if you are broke.

Are You Scheduled or Spontaneous?

I am a firm believer that great minds do NOT think alike. However, great minds do think together!

Understanding Your Decisions

People fall into two different areas of how they best make decisions: Thinkers and Feelers.

Shhhh - There's a Secret Code Behind Remarkable Communication!

When we are aware of what each person’s communication style is, we can better work towards better marriages, healthier churches, and more productive businesses.
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Where Do You Get Your Energy?

Often times most think that extroverts are outgoing and introverts are shy. It is much deeper than that.

Do American Christians Show Compassion Like the Jewish Jesus?

Christians think we are supposed to take back America or win the culture war, make sure homosexuals do not destroy marriage, keep America moral and pure, right? But wait...
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Go All Out!!!

A while back, Hardee’s had a tagline in their commercials, “If you’re gonna go, go all out!” One of those commercials pictures a grandmother with her grandson sitting on the front porch swing looking at a family photo album. With each page turn, the grandson asks, “Who is that?” and the grandmother tells stories about that particular family member. Eventually, they come to a page where the Grandmother gives a different answer.

Top 10 Reasons You Need a Vision Board

Last year my wife, kids, and I created vision boards for 2018. We all made individual vision boards and we also did a family vision board together.  We will do the same thing for 2019!! Almost every night, we get together before bedtime…