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3 Very Easy Steps to Stay Highly Motivated

Motivation is not permanent, so why bother? Bathing is not permanent, either but you do that daily. We need to seek out ways to continue the motivation. Here are three practices that have helped me over the past 20 years.

What Makes You Tick and What Ticks You Off?

Everybody is different. What makes you tick and what ticks you off is unique to you. We all have different personalities. Each one of should embrace how God has made us. If you think being you is tough you should try being someone else. God made you to be you!
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God, Save Us From Practical People

God save us from practical people! Give us people who encourage us to dream. Give us people who continue to tell us we can do whatever we set our minds to. Give us people who are not so controlled by their own fear that they want to control everyone around them as well.
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A Tribute to Mom

When I was asked to leave college because of my poor grades, it was the encouragement of my mom that convinced me to not give up.
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Are You Dying From Debt Related Stress?

Debt is a killer! Debt is financial cancer that is killing people that would otherwise be financially stable. The belief that the poor must go into debt to get by is a myth. I realize I may get some backlash from that but it is true. A matter of fact, the less money one has, the more fatal going into debt will be.