Anytime I meet someone, the inevitable question comes up eventually (usually sometime after the discussion about the weather and the latest relevant sporting event to take place) “So, Tommy Lanham, what do you do?”
This question is asked in just about any circle of people. Networking events, parties, family gatherings, just walking through Wal-Mart, it is almost guaranteed that somebody will ask that question. So, what is my answer?
I used to say I was a speaker and life coach. The problem with that answer is that many people have no idea what that means.
It is such a vague description of what I do. It is like asking a mechanic what he does and him saying, “I lift hoods and twist wrenches.”
Eventually, I began to answer, “I am on a mission to help you break out of the monotony of the mundane and mediocre so you can break through to your ENTHUSIASM Zone.” This is a more accurate description of what I do.
I was recently working with a coach myself, and together we came up with, “I serve those who hunger for their God-given potential.” This better identifies who I work with. People who are not willing to climb to their God-given potential probably have no interest in what I have to offer.

However, those who hunger for their God-given potential are ready to move forward, they are ready to make changes, they are ready to discover what God has in store for them. They are much less likely to get sidetracked when the climb becomes difficult. Because it will get difficult. If you do not have that hunger, all the coaching in the world will not help you.

Recently, I was having a business meeting with my wife. We were talking about this very issue and came to this conclusion; “I am leading a revolution against the mundane.” That was an interesting way of putting it, considering these definitions of the word mundane:
- Common; ordinary; banal; unimaginative.
- Of or relating to this world or earth as contrasted with heaven; worldly; earthly. (http://www.dictionary.com/browse/mundane?s=t)

According to Dictionary.com (I checked other sources, and they had similar definitions), there is a spiritual component to not living a mundane life. Wow! Who knew? I love the dictionary!
The actual purpose statement of my speaking and coaching ministry/business is: “I am on a mission to break out of the monotony of the mundane and mediocre so you can break through to your ENTHUSIASM Zone.”
So, to wrap all this up:
What do I do? I am leading an enthusiastic (that is another word with spiritual connotations) revolution against the mundane.
Who do I work with: individuals, businesses, and ministries that hunger for their God-given potential.
How do I do it? By helping them break the monotony of the mundane and mediocre so they can break through to their ENTHUSIASM Zone.
So, if you ever wanted to ask me what it is I do, there is your answer.
Are you ready to join the revolution?
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Tommy Lanham is an award-winning speaker, personality strategist, and world-changer. He was a regional finalist for the Toastmasters International Speech Contest in 2019, making him one of the top 100 speakers in the world! Tommy Lanham is the epitome of enthusiasm. It oozes out of him. He’s obsessed.
At 12, he was a sixth-grade flunky. At 22, he was kicked out of college because of a .8 GPA. (You read that right—a.8 GPA.) After 6 years, he completed his undergrad degree with an unimpressive 2.3 GPA.
Then something happened. Tommy discovered the power of goal-setting, personality strategy, and an enthusiasm mindset.
Tommy calls these “The 8 Decisions.” He has developed these key decisions over 25 years of successfully coaching, training, and motivating people to reach their God-given potential.
Tommy is on a mission to break out of the monotony of the mundane and mediocre so you can break through to your ENTHUSIASM Zone.