A Dream Manager is the Key to Strategic Dreaming

Every business, church, and individual needs a Dream Manager.  What is a dream manager?  Someone to help them develop and implement their goals, someone to help them get from where they are to where they want to be.

I recently discovered a movement among businesses to hire Dream Managers for their employees. It was inspired by Matthew Kelly’s book, “The Dream Manager”. Businesses are hiring Dream Managers to work with their employees to develop and accomplish their dreams and goals.

One janitorial company in Cincinnati, OH implemented this program and it has reduced turnover so drastically that they have not had to put out a “help wanted” advertisement in five years. It is a movement that is catching on and spreading. I am familiar with Matthew Kelly’s book. This whole movement has caught my attention!

It got me to thinking…what if every business, church, and individual had a Dream Manager? This could be in the form of a hired Dream Manager or Life Coach. It could also be someone already within an organization or someone you know that can help you accomplish your goals.

Dreams that are small enough to accomplish with no help are too small. It takes teamwork to make the dream work. What is a dream you have that is so big you cannot accomplish it alone?

If we are going to make our dreams come true then we need to be strategic dreamers, dreamers that use a combination of imagination + organization. It takes both to make a dream come true.

If you are a natural dreamer then you need someone who can strategize with you to accomplish your dreams. You have the imagination, but you need the organization. You need a step-by-step strategy to make your dreams come true.

If you are naturally strategic then you need someone to help you dream. You have the organization but, you need the imagination. You need someone with a strong imagination to help you come up with the dreams so those dreams can come true.

Every business, church, and individual needs a Dream Manager. None of us have the full package. We are either strategic or we are dreamers. We need both to make our dreams come true.