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Fourth Roadblock: Irresponsibility; Blockbuster: Commitment to a Vision

We may think, “If I had their ability I would…” But what are you doing with the ability you do have? If you do not follow God’s purpose for your life, something very important may not happen.

Abnormal, Unbalanced, and Out of Step Abnormal, Unbalanced, and Out of Step:  The Art and Science of Embracing Yourself. "Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish on how well it can climb a tree, it will live it's whole life…
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Follow Your God-Given Dreams

Helen Keller was once asked if there was anything she could think of that was worse than being blind. John Maxwell defines vision as “a picture of the future that stirs up passion within you.” Do you have vision? Do you have a picture of…