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Because.... Success Leaves Clues

When my wife and I notice couples who appear to be happy in their relationship and they appear to have been together a long time, we approach them to find out a little about their story (if it seems they are willing to share).  We ask how they…

Top 10 Reasons You Need a Vision Board

Last year my wife, kids, and I created vision boards for 2018. We all made individual vision boards and we also did a family vision board together.  We will do the same thing for 2019!! Almost every night, we get together before bedtime…
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Enthusiasm Ingredient #3: Know-How

A year or two after I bought a PT Cruiser, the battery died. Although I am not mechanically inclined when it comes to cars (I had a mechanical bypass when I was very young) I had changed a few batteries in my time. Not a big deal, right? Well… I…

What To Do About Those Pesky ENTHUSIASM Thieves

This past weekend, my wife and I had a great time at our “ENTHUSE: Set Your Marriage On Fire” retreat. We had a high energy, solution-focused weekend that was full of enthusiasm. I cannot wait to do our next one! During the retreat, we…
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You Are A Winner!

In 1997, I purchased my first Zig Ziglar tape (yes, it was a tape). The title of it was, “How to Be a Winner.” It set me on a journey of understanding myself and my abilities in a completely different way. Every time I would hear Zig say,…
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2 Secrets to Staying Motivated

Sometimes people ask me “How do you stay motivated?” My answer is always two-fold, “Make a commitment and take action.” Therein lies the secrets to staying motivated. Make a Commitment One of my favorite Zig Ziglar quotes is,…
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The Secret To Success

Often, people say to me, “What if I put all this time and effort into making goals and planning my life and then I fail? It would be easier not to do it at all. If I set a goal and fail that will be embarrassing.” I do not know if you…
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What EXACTLY Is It You Do For a Living Tommy Lanham?

I serve those who hunger for their God-given potential. People who are content in their day-to-day life probably have no interest in what I have to offer.