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Time Management is a LIE! How to Make the Most of Every Opportunity

Time management is a myth. Life is not about time, it is about priorities. Ephesians 5:15-16 says, “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity.” How we do this may be different for each one of us of depending on our personality style.
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Who ARE You Anyway?

How is someone who is an introvert, intuitive, feeler, perceiver; different from someone who is an extrovert, sensing, thinker, judger? The different combinations of these four areas (how we are energized, communicate, make decisions, and prioritize) helps us understand our specific personality style. Throughout the rest of the blog...

Personality Styles Made Simple - Workshop

How can I get along with co-workers? My children are so different from me, how do I talk to them? How can I find fulfillment in my workplace? How can I make my marriage better? How can I be a better leader? If…