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Jesus, Communication, Purpose, and Sex - 4 Secrets to a Great Marriage Relationship

In my opinion, there is one more important secret to a great marriage…an extremely hot sex life! There, I said it. I know many of you were thinking it, so, I just went ahead and said it....
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How We Avoid Money Fights In Our Marriage

After being freed from a 13-year mortgage, I seriously doubt my wife and I will ever have another mortgage. We might, but it is unlikely. It is just too freeing to not have any debt. My hate for debt is stronger than my love for a house.
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The Secret Code Behind Remarkable Communication

Everyone has some of both sensing and intuition. However, we all have one that is more dominate than the other. This is your preference for how you best and most naturally communicate.
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This Tool Transformed Our Relationship

My wife and I went through what we call our “marriage conversion” a few years ago and we learned this one communication tool that has transformed our marriage! Maybe this tool can be helpful in your marriage as well.
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How to Drastically Improve Your Communication

We must be aware of our own communication tendencies as well as the communication tendencies of others. Leaders will make the proper adjustments in their own communication. While some people, who refused to adjust their communication, will just complain that nobody understands them.
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Do American Christians Show Compassion Like the Jewish Jesus?

Sometimes it can be difficult. Some of the obstacles to being a compassionate follower of Jesus may be immaturity, self-centeredness, or moments of frustration. Probably the biggest obstacle to a compassionate Christian life is the misunderstanding…

Stop It! - What Is A "Sabbath" Anyway?

Sabbath literally means to STOP.  Holy rest... that's it...  What else is there to write?  I guess this would make a really short blog post if I stopped right there so I'll elaborate a bit.   Exodus 20: 8-11 says: 8 “Remember the Sabbath…

5 Simple Steps to Turn a Generic Goal Into a Focus Goal

Many people do not follow through on their goals because we often make reaching goals too complicated. Reaching goals, or resolutions, has become a joke rather than a motivation. Would you become more motivated if there was a simpler way? There…

5 Benefits of Working Toward Goals Plus One Bonus!

People who set goals and develop a plan of action to reach those goal experience 6 different benefits.