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God is Not Done With You

If your life is all about you, then you will never reach your God-given potential. You may experience some success. You may even improve your own life in a limited and temporary way, but you will never reach your God-given potential until you develop a God-perspective and seek to turn the world upside down. Reaching your God-given potential is not about playing it safe, being comfortable, or improving your own little world.

Failing Forward

I hate taking a bath. I am a shower kind of man. I like to have the water beat the dirt off of me instead of sitting in a pool of water with the dirt floating all around me. However, several years ago my wife and I moved into a new house…
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Comfort Zones Follow You - Get Moving!

Often when we feel “timid” or afraid that may be us trying to do things in our own power. When we rely on the power of God within us it gives us the courage to press on in the face of fear. John Wayne said, “Courage is being afraid and saddling up anyway.”
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Never Settle

Sometimes we become so satisfied with how good we are that we never reach our greatness.
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Who Do You Know and What Are You Reading? 2 Keys to a Successful Future

We are typically the average of the 10 people we spend the most time with. Tony Robbins says that every individual is a direct result of the expectations of their peer group.
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What Do You See When You Look At You?

  Charles Cooley’s theory of the Looking-Glass Self in its simplest form is the belief that people see themselves the way they perceive the most important people in their lives see them. As followers of Jesus who should be the most important…
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"I Sure Do Miss The Drugs Though" - Surviving Internal Struggles

Johnny Cash was having a meal with Bono (the lead singer for U2) and they both bowed their heads to pray. Johnny Cash prayed and thanked God for the food, friendships, forgiveness, and salvation. After the prayer Johnny Cash raised his head and said to Bono, “I sure do miss the drugs, though.”
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Is Your Life In Alignment?

When Jesus was asked, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” He responded, “…Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength…” (Mark 12:28; 30,…
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How To Deal With Weird People

“What parenting advice do you have for someone just starting out?” My Dad answered, “Raise them according to their personality…That is where I went wrong with you.”
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Do You Want to Know Why You Got Fired?

A few years ago, my wife and I found ourselves allowing other things to become more important to us than our relationship with each other, our kids, our friends, and even our God.